Wednesday, December 31, 2008

No credit check tenant loans: Platform for bad credit borrowers

After shuffling the pages on web, you have come across a reliable lender who can understand your needs. Yes, we at serve bad or adverse credit holders who are in search of Tenant loans. No credit check tenant loans aim to provide adequate funds to the borrowers with bad credit to overcome their monetary problems. Apart from meeting your needs, we offer a platform to the borrowers to improve their financial or credit history.

This loan type is designed keeping bad credit borrowers in mind. Therefore, it can be said that borrowers with bad credit who don�t have or don�t want to pledge the collateral can opt for no credit check unsecured loans. Borrowers with adverse credit history such as CCJ�s, defaults, late payments, arrear holder, bankrupts etc. are the one who are marked as bad credit holders.

Our financial expert, Kimi Hall said that borrower�s might had engaged with bad credit history due to many reasons such as lavishly usage of credit cards, availing short term loans, improper management, loss of employment or frequently change of job and residential address are some reasons which are responsible for bad credit situation.

With this type of loan option, borrowers can meet their varied dreams come true such as going on holidays, funding higher education, meeting daughter�s wedding expenses, undergoing cosmetic surgery, renovating of home and lots more.

We at approve the loan amount on the basis of your borrowing repaying capacity and monthly income as no collateral is involved. So, while opting for no credit check tenant loans, you must be ready with evidence of income, bank statements and employment.
For more information about tenant loans visit

Source : Google News

Monday, December 29, 2008

Non-homeowner loans: Enjoy fast and quick cash

If you feel humiliated while knocking doors of relatives or friends for money then stop doing it. We at non home owner loans help you to get rid off from stress and anxiety of financing. Just like any other unsecured loans, non-homeowner loans don�t require valuable collateral against the loan amount. Therefore, this loan type comes with quick and fast cash approval.

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We provide loan for tenants, people living with their parents, students or PGs to meet their needs. To define non-homeowner loan, it can be said that people who willingly or unwillingly don�t want to place their valuable collateral as a security against the loan amount. With us, you can enjoy the loan amount ranging up to £25000 with easy repayment option varying from 6 months to 10 years. While looking at the borrower�s credit score or financial conditions, we extend the loan amount.

Non-homeowner loans can be used for varied purposes such as buying a new car, travelling expenses, debt consolidation, wedding expenses, higher education expenses etc. Usually, these loans are accessible at the higher interest rate as no collateral is involved. With us you can enjoy feasible interest rates for flexible repayment period tenure.

We offer our services to the borrower who are marked with bad credit score such as CCJ�s, IVA, defaults, arrears, bankrupts, etc. With proper repayment of loan amount, bad credit borrowers can improve their credit rating.

So, non-homeowner who are looking for fast and quick cash approval find it easy and convenient to opt for instant non-homeowner loans as it don�t require any collateral for approval.

Source : Google News

Friday, December 26, 2008

Unsecured Tenant Loans with Bad Credit

You may be any type of tenant, in these days; you will get a loan with ease. This is thanks to numbers of lenders who are providing loans to tenants for any purpose like buying a car, tuition fees, paying medical bills, debt consolidation, going to holiday tour.

Tenant loans are unsecured loans that are provided without taking any security from the tenant. So these loans are source of risk free borrowings. The lender’s faith in the tenant is the only basis of the loan approval. Income, employment and bank statements of the tenant therefore are crucial in taking the loan. Overall, repaying ability of the tenant is what a lender sees in a tenant before approving the loan.

Under tenant loans usually lenders approve ₤25000 depending on income and repaying ability of the borrower. The loan amount has to be returned in 5 to 15 years. One bit disadvantage is that tenant loans carry higher interest rate. On comparing lenders however a suitable deal at comparatively lower rate can be signed.

Bad credit tenants also find tenant loans easier to avail if they earn well and have good ability to repay the loan installments in time. So tenants having late payments, payment defaults, arrears and county court judgments in their names are also eligible for tenant loans.

Check you credit report for any errors in it. Also you should know your credit score as lot depends on it. A good credit score will ensure loan at better rate than a bad credit score.

As far sourcing is concerned, it is advisable to take tenant loans from online lenders as they always have a lower rate loan offer to make and also they do not charge any extra fees on processing the loan. Pay off the loan in time for avoiding debts and for improving credit score.


Tenant loans are unsecured loans that are provided without taking any security from the tenant. So these loans are source of risk free borrowings. The lender’s faith in the tenant is the only basis of the loan approval. Income, employment and bank statements of the tenant therefore are crucial in taking the loan. Overall, repaying ability of the tenant is what a lender sees in a tenant before approving the loan. Read the article for more.

Source : loanarticle

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Loans for Unemployed Tenant with Bad credit

Loans for unemployed tenant are for the people who are unemployed and do not own their own house. Person going through from the worst situation of unemployment can find it really tough if unexpected financial crisis arises. These loans provide you extra funds when unwanted expenses arises without indications and warning and you don't have enough funds to pay off your debts. In such a financial mess unemployed persons can procure the extra little amount with the help of loans for unemployed. These loans are the financial funds that help make your life normal during the hard transitory phase between two jobs. These loans can be procured without using collateral and is best to cater miscellaneous personal demands.

Personal loans for unemployed people are benefited for the unemployed bad credit borrowers to avail the extra cash from these loans. These loans help the tenants to pay back the lingering dues and revitalize your credit score. Loans are available to all the borrowers whether they are good credit holders or bad credit holders. Moreover, in this stressful phase, if there occurs an urgent requirement of money due to some emergency, then it can get really difficult for the unemployed individual to arrange for instant resources of funds. The entire procedure of loans for unemployed tenant is smartly customized with easy terms and conditions but if you have secured a bad credit rating, then you may have to bear certain limitations. It has easy availability through instant online mode with no hassle and inconvenience.


To grab the money from Unemployed Tenant Loans there are few terms and conditions which need to be followed:

1. The borrower should be permanent citizen of UK.
2. He should be eighteen years of age or more.
3. He should have bank account under his name.

Source : Ezinearticle

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Instant Loans for Tenants with Bad Credit

Loan is a very common term in the life of tenants. Tenants often take this form of monetary assistance to meet their basic requirements and other important expenses. However, not many lenders show interest in offering loans to tenants as they do not provide any sort of collateral or security. Therefore, the finance fraternity has com up with some special loan schemes that exclusively support the demands of tenants. Ones such enticing financial plan is available in the market with a name of Instant tenant loans. Nowadays, many tenants are making their life much simpler and systematic with the facility of instant tenant loans. The option of instant tenant loans is not only quick but it is also considered as a secured form of financial aid offered to the tenants.

However, to enjoy the benefits of instant tenant loans, the applicant must fulfill certain requirement. First of all he should be above 18 years of age and most posses an active bank account. Secondly he should also have a perm ant source of income so that the lender can stay assured of getting monthly repayment installments. Therefore, by offering these simple pre requisites, any tenant can easily avail the financial assistance of instant tenant loans. Tenants mostly suffer from the consequences of poor credit record and hence, it get very difficult for them to demand a loan with any financial company. However, with instant tenant loans this drawback can be overlooked to some extent as the bad credit holders are allowed to apply for this loan with some limitations. It is basically the lender, who will decide about the current repayment ability of the borrower by analyzing his or her sources of income.

As the name suggests, the instant tenant loans are superbly instant with their processing. One can avail the entire loan amount in the short duration of 24 hours. In fact, in some special cases of extremely urgent requirements, the borrower can receive the amount in 2 or 3 hours. However, this assistance is offered on the ground of a very serious monetary requirement and is available with limited financial firms. The procedure for the approval of the instant tenant loans is specifically designed with convenient steps, so that the purpose can be solved instantaneously. It does not include any sort of extensive documentation and verifications as they usually take a lot of time and delay the entire procedure of getting the loan sanctioned.

Instant tenant loans are widely offered in the market with various numbers of lenders, but to select a reliable source for getting this assistance is quite a task. Therefore, if a borrower can conduct a succinct qualitative inquiring before making any loan deal, the chances of receiving worthy benefits are more. Once you choose your preferred lender, you can easily make start with the processing if instant tenant loans by filling up the online application form. As soon as your application form is submitted on the website, the executives of the concerned financial firm will initiate the mechanism of identification and documentation.

Source : articles.webraydian

Monday, December 22, 2008

Unsecured Cash Loans – Get Monetary Assistance in the Absence of Collateral

If you have any property to place as collateral you can get loan pretty easily. There are bankers, nationalized banks and other trusts that run after you to provide you with loans if you can place collateral. But what if you do not have any property to place as collateral? Will you get the same response? Obviously no. But then, there are people who do not care about your property. These are the online money lending companies known for offering unsecured cash loans.

You need not place any collateral if you want a loan with an online money lending company. Of course, you have some advantages on the secured loans like longer repayment tenure, but there are no major differences between the secured and unsecured loans.

You can avail the unsecured cash loans on the basis of your income. Once you apply for the cash loan, your details are verified. It does not take long for these companies to verify your information. Once the information you provided in the application form is verified, you will be contacted by one of their representatives to negotiate the amount you can avail as loan under different schemes. You can also discuss the repayment options. For unsecured loans, you can avail up to 75000 pounds for repayment in three years. The interest rate varies between 4.7 to 10 per cent based on your credit rankings.

Once you reach a common point of agreement on the loan amount and the repayment options, your money is wired to your bank account. You can easily use the money for whatever purpose you want. There is nobody to ask you regarding the expenditure. All these companies want is timely repayment of the money. To avoid irregularities, it is recommended that you go for a repayment tenure that helps you pay off your installments without any additional burden on your budget. This is generally achieved by going for the longer tenures which carry smaller amounts as installments. However, you may do some research before zeroing on any company for unsecured cash loans so that you can find the best deal that suits you.

Source : Google News

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Loans for Tenants with Poor Credit

Bad credit loan tenant

Tenant loans are basically unsecured personal loans that are provided to people for fulfilling different types of financial requirements. Since tenants do not have any collateral or security to provide against the loan like homeowners, these are provided as unsecured loans. Bad credit is a term that is used for describing the credit worthiness of a person that has defaulted in making repayment of the credit facilities availed. Generally, lender avoids providing funds to such people as these are associated with great risk. But in the past few years, there is a shift towards such people and lenders are now providing funds to people with bad credit.

This is the reason why a person with bad credit can also get tenant loan. Such loans are called as bad credit tenant loans and these loans are quite famous in countries like United Kingdom. Since loan is unsecured and a person has already created bad credit in his favor, it is quite obvious that a person would get the bad credit tenant loan at higher interest rates. However, there are certain cases where getting bad credit tenant loan is not only easy but also affordable.

Tenant Loans are basically Unsecured Loans
that cater to the financial needs of those who do not have their own houses – non homeowners. This loan is also good for council tenants and people living with their parents.

Thinking of buying your dream car? Have to pay for your education? Considering home improvements? Desperately need that get-away trip? But life’s daily chores and a minimal bank balance pulls you back? It’s at times like these, when faced with a severe financial
crunch, that most of us consider taking loans to help us out of these situations. The loans that first come to mind are the various kinds of secured loans because of their low interest rates and easy availability, which are the most important factors to consider when taking a loan. But what about you students, tenants and other non homeowners who don’t have a lot to offer as collateral? Well, here is what you’ve been looking for. It’s called a “Tenant Loan.”

Tenant Loans are nothing but unsecured loans that can fund the financial needs of non homeowners. They are ideal solutions for tenants, students, PG’s and other non homeowners who have no security or collateral to offer. Tenant Loans are very similar to Unsecured Personal Loans. Just like any other unsecured loan, Tenant Loans too, come with high interest rates simple because they fail to provide the lender with any security regarding repayment. Because of the absence of collateral, they also have larger monthly instalments and shorter loan terms. Besides, for the obvious reasons, any lender offering Tenant Loans will make certain he keeps a strict vigil on your repayments.

Tenant Loans can be used for any purpose. They can fund your education, pay for your marriage, help in home improvements or pay for your vacation. In case you are facing the problem of paying many monthly instalments for different loans taken by you in the past, you can take a Tenant Loan and use it for Debt Consolidation too. This will save you from the hassles of paying umpteen instalments to umpteen lenders and with Tenant Loans you will end up making only one single monthly payment to a single lender.

Advantages of a Tenant Loans:

· The best thing about a tenant loan is that you don’t have to put any property at risk. Most people who put up their home as collateral face repossession in case of inability to repay the loan.
· Tenant Loans save your precious time in the process of procurement, as you don’t have to go for the valuation of property. As a result you are saved from a lot of paper work.
· Tenant Loans are also available for people with bad credit histories, although the approval process is not a piece of cake.
· Tenant Loans, in short, are a boon for all non homeowners like council tenants, students, etc.

Inspite of the many advantages tenant loans have to offer, Tenant Loans are a little difficult to obtain. This problem arises because of the low security or absence of collateral. For this reason, lenders need to check the repayment ability of borrowers before giving them a Tenant Loan. Your credit history and income proof play a very important role in the approval process. This is the main criterion that helps you in getting your Tenant Loan. However, bad credit cannot stop you from getting a Tenant Loan.

However, before applying for a Tenant Loan, there are also some disadvantages to consider:

Disadvantages of Tenant Loans:

· Tenant Loans come with high interest rates because of the absence of collateral or any security.
· The loan terms of Tenant Loans are very short to facilitate repayment as quickly as possible.
· Tenant Loans grant only small loan amounts for the same reasons.

Since availing Tenant Loans is of least risk, more and more people are opening their eyes to such concepts. There are a number of finance companies who provide such services to get a loan. With the requirement for Tenant Loans ever on the increase, the means for providing them are also catching up. Tenant Loans are also available with an online option. So, if you are a non homeowner and you need loan, it’s the right time to go get a Tenant Loan with Poor Credit.

Source : Article99

Friday, December 19, 2008

Unsecured Tenant Loans

If you are not a homeowner or do not have security to furnish to get a loan, there is no real need to worry. Online-unsecured-loans have specialized loans for tenants that are designed to cater to their financial needs and requirements. We are associated with some of the most experienced, skilled lenders in UK's loan lending fraternity, who are constantly striving to provide customers with loans that are suited to their financial circumstance and standing.

Our unsecured loan for tenant comes with a set of benefits:

1. Less documentation work
2. Quick processing of loan application
3. Competitive loan quotes
4. Range of lenders to choose from
5. No threat of property possession

APR with unsecured loan is higher with security missing. Lenders tend to elevate the rates so as to keep some sort of a margin against a potential default from the borrower's side. But, if you are a non-homeowner looking for loans with competitive rates and conditions, your search may well end here. All you have to do is fill up the application form that is available on our website, and let one of our dedicated loan officers help you out. There is no need to wait anymore. Avail our unsecured loans for tenant. today.

Source : Online -Unsrcured-loans

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Urgent Cash Tenant Loans: Quick Solution for Your Fiscal Crisis

Are you in need of urgent monetary help? If you are facing the problem of money, just avail the urgent cash loans to overcome your financial crises. As the name suggests, the urgent cash loans are intended to help such people, who require urgent cash and they don’t get any help from their relatives and friends. These loans are approved within a quick span of time and are completely perfect for your urgent personal or professional requirements. The loaned amount is transferred to the bank account of the applicants and therefore, they will have cash in their hands within 24 hours after applying.

Urgent cash tenant loans are of unsecured category. You don’t need to keep your property as collateral against the loans in order to avail the loans. These loans are short term loans and consequently, the approved loan amount is too small. Moreover, it helps you in your urgent crises, which you can’t postpone any longer. With urgent cash loans, you can apply for the loaned amount ranging from £1,000 and £25,000. In fact, the amount also depends on various factors including your income, credit history, bank statement and even repayment capability. The good part of the urgent cash loans is that it is also provided for the people suffering from bad or poor credit history.

Urgent cash loans are also quiet helpful for the individuals having bad credit record. They can also avail the cash through urgent cash loans without placing anything to the lender. Due to unsecured nature, the urgent cash loans are provided at slighter higher rate rather than other loans. But it helps you enough in need of hour, as they ask no more paperwork from you and you can get the cash quickly to meet the sudden emergencies. Moreover, the borrowers can utilize the loaned for various purposes including paying bills, debts, car or home repairing, paying school fee and a lot more.

Online availability is one of the urgent cash loans attractive features, which has made the loans most singled out loans. You can apply online to avail the urgent cash loans, as there are many online lenders, which provide the borrowers with the cash at affordable interest rate and comfortable conditions. To avail the urgent cash loans, you need to meet some essential criteria provided by the lenders, such as your home address, your income proof, you must be 18 years or more than it and you must be a regular employee etc. Hence, you can avail the urgent cash loans to solve your entire financial problems with ease.

Source : Google News

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cheap Loans for Tenant

Financial problems arise equally for everybody. Only those people who are prepared for these problems go through with a smile on their face. If you are a tenant, then you may require some outside help in such situations. So this help which you need in getting rid of these problems can be obtained through cheap loans for tenants.

Through these loans that are available to tenants for solving their problems, the borrowers can take up money for their needs without the need of pledging any asset with the lender. As it is, the tenants may not be having any assets, so this does not act as an obstacle in their way. All types of tenants like council tenants, house association tenants, private tenants etc can borrow these loans.

Cheap loans for tenant are available unsecured to the borrowers. They can take up money for their needs in the range of £1000-£25000. With this money, they can fulfill needs like debt consolidation, car purchase, home improvement, wedding expenses, educational funding etc.

The borrower tenants are not asked for any security but they need to fulfill some conditions to gain approval for the loans. They should be regularly employed since the last 6months. They should have a regular place of residence since last 3 months. They should be adult citizens of the UK with a current bank account which is at least 3 months old.

The borrowers have a repayment term of 6months to 10 years for these loans. Since these loans are unsecured, a slightly higher rate of interest is charged. But this can be lowered with the help of research and comparison. Online research helps in getting these loans at lower rates with the help of comparison of all loan deals offered to the borrower. Bad credit borrowers can also research and get low rate deals for their needs.

Cheap loans for tenants provide the power to the tenants and non-homeowners to fulfill their needs and dream big. Their aspirations do not have to wait now.

Source : Articlebase

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Loans For Tenants With Bad Credit - Money For Distressed Tenants

A bad credit situation may arise with anyone in this world and you are no exception to this rule. It may come at any point of time leading you to face monetary problems. Over and above that if you do not own a property and live as a tenant then the problem can get even worse. To overcome this particular problem loans for tenants with bad credit are advanced by the banks at a very convenient rate of interest.

These loans can be of two types, secured and unsecured. The secured loans are given if you can keep any kind of mortgage as security with the bank which results in lower rate of interest. In case of the unsecured loans you do not have to keep any kind of mortgage, but in this case the rate of interest is on the higher side. You can apply for these loans either online or by visiting the branch personally. In both the cases the processing time will be at the maximum of 24 hours. Loans for tenants with bad credit do not have the thorough security check that you may face in case of the other loans. You should be 18 years or more in age, have a personal bank account and should live in the house as tenant for a period of 3-6 months.

The rate of interest with out any kind of collateral is high and varies from anything between 8%-12%. However the time for repayment is good enough to facilitate your needs. It is spread from anything between 3-25 years thus giving you enough time to pay back the principle amount. A detailed search about the different loan quotes from the different providers will enable you to get a very competitive rate of interest. You can use loans for tenants with bad credit for various purposes like home improvements and even debt consolidation which enables you to gain back the credit points that you have lost earlier. The other advantage for these loans is that you do not have to pledge for a security if you fall under the category of housing tenant or municipality tenant.

Source : Ezinearticle

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Unsecured loans for unemployed: Easy way to meet your needs

Funding unsecured loans for the unemployed are usually considered hard and little expensive. But with No credit check unsecured loans, searching unemployed loan is easy. As a matter of fact, we are associated with leading financial institutions and lenders across the UK.

No credit check unsecured loans can arrange a wide variety of unemployed loan programmes to suit individual financial circumstances. The homeowners or tenants can enjoy borrowing unsecured loans against the valuable asset such as home, land, real estate. Unemployed loans arranged by us are available for various purposes including debt consolidation, home improvement, car purchase, holiday or a new house. Therefore, it can be said that this type of loan intends to help people during their unemployment. Keeping in mind the need of borrowers, we provide quick approval to jobless people as they lack stable financial income.

If you want to know more about unsecured loans for unemployed, apply for free quote. Checking affordability will definitely ensure the successful repayment of unemployed loans. Click on the link to get a free quote for unsecured loans for the unemployed.

Source : Google News

Personal Loan for Tenant

A tenant is a person who does not own a home and lives in a rented house. If you are a citizen of UK then you must be aware of the financial arrangement called as personal loans for tenants. If you are a tenant and do not have any valuable asset to keep as security but still want a loan in order to fulfil your financial commitments then you can apply for a personal tenant loans.

This is an unsecured loan which can be short term or long term in nature depending upon the terms and conditions laid down by the lender. The rate of interest is higher as compared to secured loans; this is because there is no collateral as security with the lender. You can use this loan for nay use like wedding, business, paying home instalments or car rent etc.

There are a few formalities which the tenant must fulfil in order to get the loan. The loan application must have apt details about the place you live in, tenure, address etc. You must be at least 18 years of age and must have a decent salaried job. Also, you must have completed 12 months at the place where you live as a tenant. If you fulfil these basic conditions, you can get a personal loans for tenants.

Now, there is one thing you must keep in mind. If you have a good credit history then you will get a loan at a nominal interest rate. But with an adverse history the rate will hike to a greater extent. This is the reason why you must try to get the appropriate credit report and make good if there are any mistakes.

There are many benefits of personal loans for tenants. Firstly, you can get a loan in spite of you not having any valuable asset. This is a really very helpful thing as many people living as tenants can fulfil their financial commitments without any hassles. There are many money lenders win UK who deal in this kind of loans. If you do some research work online and offline then you are sure to find a reputed lender who can avail you a loan.

Source : Ezinearticle

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cash Loans: Urgent Needs Now Easily Resolvable

Raising money for an urgent case which requires immediate attention is difficult for people who are salaried. Also, the absence of any assets like a house also can be an impediment in getting money through loans. Cash loans a great way to take up money since urgent needs are fulfilled. Especially with online arrangers of loans like Fast Cash Loans for Tenant which provide you with money almost instantly after application, cash loans is a great respite in urgent times.

“With so much of convenience that is attached to cash loans, it has become very easy for people like us who live on fixed salaries every month. Since there are times when urgent needs crop up without any notice, it becomes difficult to manage expenses along with the fixed budgets of the household. Getting the cash loan through Fast Cash Loan Tenant in just a matter of hours makes things really easy for us and all our cash problems are resolved”, says Phillip Thorne, a satisfied customer of Fast Cash Loan Tenant.

The rates of interest that are charged by Fast Cash Loan Tenant are very low which makes the loan highly pocket-friendly. Also, the approval of loans is very fast making it possible to fulfil urgent needs. All kinds of small cash needs can be easily fulfilled with this instant help.

Fast Cash Loan Tenant is a prominent online arranger that offers financial services to those in need at the most competitive rates. Apart from cash loan, some other services that can be availed include loan for tenant with bad credit, unsecured loan for tenant, council tenant loans, debt consolidation loan for tenant, bad credit cash loan for tenant and personal loan for tenant amidst others. Informative articles and latest news is also made accessible for widening scope of understanding. Financial services are made accessible through online mode.

Source : Google News

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Loan for Tenant with Bad Credit

As the tenants do not usually have a valued asset to find a loan against, finding out a loan become difficult for them. But they can overcome this by making an application for loans for tenants with bad credit history. Such lenders do not make much fuss over the applicants’ past faults on making payments to the old debts.

These are the loans advanced irrespective of your bad credit record. And these are no collateral loans. So, you can always tag the tenant loans for bad credit as the easy and stress free loans. And, you can take the tenant loans for bad credit for almost any of your personal needs, like debt consolidation, to spruce up your present business or to start up a new business, to go for a car buy or to go for an exotic holiday jaunt.

You can take a sum ranging from £ 1000 to £ 25000 from the stores of these loans. And, what more, you can have an improvement over your credit record through a proper use of these loans. If you repay the amount regularly through the installments, you are sure to get an improvement in the credit track, since every regular repayment gets counted in the credit turf.

Loans for tenants with bad credit history are advanced online too, where applying for loans is free of cost. And, you have to apply for these loans only through a small application form which is easy and simple enough for everybody. There are lending agencies which are ready to compare and find the best loan quotes from the market. You are only to choose the right deal that suits most with your requirements.

Source : Article dashboard

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tenant Loans – Loans for People without any Assets

There are two kinds of people in this world. One who have their own property and the other kind uses others’ property by paying some fee to the property owner. In the terminology of the business loans, people having their own property are called house owners and those who do not possess any assets are called tenants. While it is easier for the house owners to avail loans as they can place their property as collateral, it is very difficult for the tenants to get a loan, no matter how much urgent it is for them. But this does not in any case mean that they have to face the problem of having no money. They can always go for the tenant loans available with the internet based money lenders.

With the fierce competition among the different money lenders, there are new schemes and incentives coming up every alternative day. And you, as the customer, can avail one or more of these incentives. No property to place as collateral? No problem. Log on to the website of the money lender and fill in an application form for an unsecured loan, specifying the amount of loan you need.

You may also calculate the monthly installments for the different schemes using the free loan calculator available on the website. Once you decide which scheme to go for, you can ask a quotation to further clarify your doubts. Alternatively, many money lenders have live chat facility that you can use to further discuss your needs. Tenant loans are offered by almost every internet based money lender.

These loans are Unsecured tenant loans. There is some risk involved for the money lender. That is why you cannot expect much higher amounts under this scheme. But you can easily get up to 5000 pounds based on your total monthly income. This includes income from your salary and from other sources. You will have to pay a bit higher interest on these loans. But that should not deter a person in need from availing the tenant loans. After all, getting out of troubles is more important. You can always earn money sooner or later.

Source :Google News

Sunday, December 7, 2008

No Credit Check Tenant Loans

A tenant loan is an unsecured loan granted to those that do not own their own property. A tenant loan is always unsecured because in most cases, if you are renting your accommodation, you do not have an asset against which you can secure your loan. Tenants sometimes find that some loan companies will only lend money to homeowners. If you are a tenant you need to look for a company, bank or building society willing to give you an unsecured loan.

No Check Credit Tenant Loans for Tenants and Non-Homeowners
You stand a higher chance of getting a No Check Credit Tenant Loan. Most high street lenders will gladly arrange you a loan but mention credit problems and the shutters are down.But no problem, there are many broker to get you a highly competitive No Check Credit Tenant Loan quote even if you have been previously refused credit.

A No Check Credit Tenant Loan allows you to borrow money at a slightly higher rate than an Unsecured Loan because you have no home to use as security and deemed an higher financial risk by the lenders.

Don't let previous credit problems stop you from getting the cash for home improvements, buying a car or going on a dream holiday. You could use the No Check Credit Tenant Loan for debt consolidation to create one, manageable payment with the aim of improving your credit rating.

It is almost obscure to have a spotless credit history. Even if a bad credit is rattling your mind. You can obtain no credit check tenant loan, which can offer you an apt solution to your tribulations.It is almost obscure to have a spotless credit history. Even if a bad credit is rattling your mind. You can obtain no credit check tenant loan, which can offer you an apt solution to your tribulations.

There are Independent Financial advisers who search through a host of lenders to find the best tenant loans deal for you.

Source : Article alley

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fast Cash Tenant Loans

Tenants do have to manage their finance efficiently. Their income
not only goes into paying the usual bills and living expenses, they have to put some aside for the rent. But cash shortages can occur despite all the precautions. A small medical fee, a car repair bill, some necessary purchases- such unplanned expenses can arise. Therefore, tenants also need to have financial resource to fall back on. Fast cash tenant loans are what they can rely on during emergencies like these.

Fast cash tenant loans are fast cash advances
. To make borrowing very easy and hassle-free for their customers, these loans are unsecured by nature. So, tenants can forget about their status as non-homeowners. All kinds of tenants can avail these loans- whether PG tenants, council tenants or MOD tenants.

Fast cash tenant loans are approved without checking the credit record of the applicant. Hence, tenants need not worry about their credit status as well. The only fixed standards that they have to meet in order to be eligible for one of these loans are:

* Age should be above 18 years

* They should have been employed at their current company/ organization for at least 6 months

* Their fixed monthly income should be above £1000

* They should have a valid bank account at least 3 months old.

Fast cash tenant loans are available for a sum between £100- £1500. They are meant to be paid back on a repayment term of 2 weeks only. Extension is possible but should be avoided as far as possible because such a facility cost an extra fee.

Fast cash tenant loans are suitable basically for emergencies involving small cash shortages. A tenant can borrow them from a variety of lenders. As interest rate tends to be high, comparison of loan quotes through the internet should be carried out to select cheaper rates.

Source : Article base

Unsecured Loans: For Fiscal Needs In Absence Of Assets

There are times in everyone’s lives when a need of money arises for urgent financial issues. It may or may not be possible for us at that time to pledge assets or take up money. Also, even the time constraint can also exist which needs money faster and pledging assets may fail the purpose because of the time lag. Unsecured loans to be the best option in such a situation. However, sky-high rates of interest are charged for such loans which do not require assets. With proper research and the right arrangers of loans, like Fast Cash Loan Tenant, people can now borrow money for their needs easily at very low interest rates.

The loans made accessible by Fast Cash Loan Tenant make it possible to obtain fast money for needs of people “The unsecured loans that I borrowed through Fast Cash Loan Tenant for my daughter’s surgery really proved to be a boon at the time of urgency”, says Mrs. Welsh, a satisfied customer of Fast Cash Loan Tenant. . Loan approval is given without much delay of time and also without causing any inconvenience also. Very simple requirements and procedures are involved and money is approved for the borrowers without any asset required as security.

Fast Cash Loan Tenant is a prominent online arranger that offers financial services to those in need at the most competitive rates. Apart from cash loan, some other services that can be availed include loan for tenant with bad credit, unsecured loan for tenant, council tenant loan, debt consolidation loan for tenant, bad credit cash loan for tenant and personal loan for tenant amidst others. Informative articles and latest news is also made accessible for widening scope of understanding. Financial services are made accessible through online mode.

For more information pertaining to unsecured loans, visit us at

Source : Google News

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Quick Cash Tenant Loans

Every individual has different needs based on specific circumstances. Definitely to meet the needs, individual must have the necessary finances. For someone affluent, arranging the necessary finances can be easy. On the other hand, for individuals like tenants, it is an uphill task. Tenants are more in need of financial assistance as they are dependent on a single monthly income. That is why, in times of emergency they resort to borrow. Taking this in to account, lenders have carved out 24hours quick tenant loans.

24 hours quick tenant loans is designed so that the borrower can get hold of the funds instantly. The loan gets approved instantly within 24 hours of making the loan application. The loan amount is directly transferred to the bank account of the borrower within 24 hours. The loan amount derived from the loan is of smaller amount and is best meant to meet small time financial needs.

Under 24 hours quick tenant loans, borrower can avail amount in the range of £3000- £25000. The loan gets approved instantly as there is no collateral of the borrower involved. However, the approved amount depends a lot on the borrowers repaying capacity. With the derived amount, the borrower can easily meet the instant needs such as paying off medical bills, car repair, and grocery bills etc.

As 24 hours quick tenant loans are unsecured tenant loans in nature, to cover the risk factor, lenders levy a slightly higher rate of interest. But due to stiff competition in the financial market, borrower gets to avail the loan at competitive interest rates.

Borrowers with adverse credit history are also approved 24 hours quick tenant loans. Although the rate of interest will be a bit higher, but with timely repayment of the loan amount, borrower can improve the credit score.

With the support of 24 hours quick tenant loans, borrower can easily meet the various needs of the borrowers who are not in a position to offer collateral.

Source : Ezinearticle

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

tenant loans for unemployed


Unemployment can make things go awry. Today the cost of commodities is very high and being unemployed doesn't help the matter. It becomes difficult for a person to tackle an emergency situation if he is unemployed. Availing a loan is a good option if you have a property to place as collateral but what if you don't have any personal property? Well, if this is so then loan for unemployed tenant is exactly what you are looking for. These loans are meant to provide financial assistance to people who don't have any property.


The loan is unsecured in nature. You can avail it without placing any security against the loan amount. Unsecured unemployed tenant loans doesn't requires any credit check. People facing arrears, defaults, CCJ, IVA, bankruptcy etc can also avail the benefits of such loans but they will have to convince the lender regarding their repayment ability.

There are certain conditions that you must fulfill, to be eligible to avail unemployed tenant loans. You must have lived at your current address for a period of at least 12 months. Also you must have a checking bank account.

Amount and interest

With these loans you can easily avail an amount ranging from £ 1000 - £ 15000. Lenders assess your repayment ability before deciding the loan amount to be disbursed. These loans can be availed for a period of 1 - 10 years. Lenders charge very low interest rate with such loans.

Applying for unemployed tenant loans

They are easily available, both through physical lenders and through online method. You can use online search engines to search for various lenders offering unemployed tenant loans. You can easily get loan quotes from hundreds of lenders and compare between them to choose the most suitable one. To apply you just need to fill up an online application form mentioning your contact details and details of the type of loan you want to avail.


Unemployed tenant loans are very useful for people to cope up with unwanted situations such as medical urgencies, paying debts, urgent bills like electricity bills etc. with unemployed tenant loans, unemployed people can avail money ate very low interest rate and with flexible repayment options to fulfill their personal requirements.

Source : Ezinearticle

Monday, December 1, 2008

Instant Loans for Tenants

It may be more than just luxury for some that money is required to fulfill important needs. This situation may arise irrespective of the fact that the borrower does or does not have any assets to pledge with the lender in case he wants to borrow money through loans. People can still borrow money even if they are tenants and do not have any assets to pledge through the way of instant tenant loans.

Through tenant loans, the borrowers who are tenants can take up money easily without the need of pledging any assets with the lenders. They do not need to be home-owners to get approval for these loans. Also, all types of tenants which include private tenants, house association tenants, or council tenants etc are eligible to take up these loans for their financial needs. Also, the approval of these loans is very fast as there is no asset involved which requires a check.

These unsecured loans provide the borrowers a limit of £1000-£25000 to borrow money from the lender. The amount approved by the lender however depends upon your need as well as the repayment ability that you hold according to your financial situation. Also, the borrower is required to be an adult citizen of the UK who has a full-time employment.

The borrower can repay the loan amount in a term of 6 months to 10 years. Also, those borrowers who have a low credit score, arrears, and defaults, missed repayments etc and are suffering from a bad credit history due to any of these reasons can also take up these loans for their needs. Any personal needs like home improvement, car purchase, wedding expenses, educational expenses etc can be fulfilled with the instant tenant loans.

Through these unsecured loans, the borrower tenants can get quick money without pledging assets. They can research online to get lower rates of interest and get the money without any burden.

Source: Ezinearticle

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bad Credit Loans for Tenants

Tenants who have not been able to repay previous secured or unsecured loans, defaulted on monthly credit card payments for whatever reason, or failed to comply with CCJ's are just some of the factors which may influence your credit rating. All lenders use credit reference agencies to help them assess bad credit loan applications from tenants. The information available from a credit reference agency may include people living at the same address, previous credit applications, credit agreements, county court judgments, bankruptcy information and details of late loan payments and defaults.

If you are aware that you have a bad credit history and your last tenant loan application was turned down, it is worth knowing the precise reason. Tenants are legally entitled to contact the loan company to find out which credit referencing agency was used. You can then contact the agency to obtain your credit reference information to confirm whether the records are correct and up to date.

Tenants with poor credit ratings can apply for bad credit loans as there are companies who specialise in offering this type of loan. In addition to credit scores, lenders will also assess your tenant loan application according to the reason for the loan, your ability to repay the amount given your current income, employment history and existing debt commitments. It is worth remembering that each company will consider bad credit tenant loan applications on their individual merits. If you are a tenant with a poor credit history, consider bad credit loan suppliers. More information on credit scores

Source : uk properties businesses